Hurry Up and Wait
(Written on 1/28/2022) As soon as I bought the Spitfire, friends and family asked how soon I'd have it on the road. I genuinely admire those folks who can turn things around in no time at all, but I'm not one of those guys. When my brother and I were boys I can remember him asking in frustration why I made a project out of everything. The answer: I like projects, and I like things done a certain way. Not only did this frustrate my brother, it pretty much drove my father crazy. Dad admonished me for being a perfectionist, but I know full well I'm not a perfectionist, for try as I might, I've never managed to make anything perfect. 😉 My answer to anyone who asks when Penny will be done, is ten years. In reality I have no idea how long it will take, and I don't really care. Driving her will be fun, but so is the process of rebuilding her. In addition, I never have just one project going at a time. This life offers so many interesting things to learn and e...